Friday, February 5, 2010

Check This Out!

Fri., Feb. 5
9:45 am Al-Anon, Parlor
10-4:00 pm College Club, Choir Rm.
6:30 pm Valentine's Dinner, Parlor

Sat., Feb. 6
8:30-3:00 pm Leadership Academy @ Church of the Saviour UMC

Sun., Feb. 7
9:00 am Chimes, Sanctuary balcony
9:30 am Confirmation, Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Christians and the World Adult Class @ Panera's
10:45 am Worship; Communion by Intinction; Tina Berardi give the message
12:15 pm Pick up your Super Bowl subs after church outside the Parlor

Mon., Feb. 8
7:00 pm Finance, Parlor

Tues., Feb. 9
9:30 am Prayer Shawl Ministry, Parlor
6-8:30 pm Girl Scout Training, Parlor
7:00 pm United Methodist Women, Library
7:00 pm New Stephen Minister Training at Westlake UMC

Wed., Feb. 10
7:00 pm Overeaters Anonymous, Chapel
7:30 pm Choir, Choir Rm.

Thurs., Feb. 11
6:30 pm Men's Group "Talkin' Tribe" Potluck, Parlor
8:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous, Wesley Hall

Fri., Feb. 12
9:45 am Al-Anon, Parlor

Sat., Feb. 13
10-11:00 am Nursing Home Ministry at Eliza Jennings
11:30-3:00 pm Berea Children's Home Valentine Party
12-4:00 pm District UMW, Parlor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you to our choir family for being at rehearsal this evening. We worked hard. To those who were unable able to be there, we hope to see you Sunday at 10:00 AM and next Wednesday. Susan