Friday, February 19, 2010

Events This Week

Fri., Feb. 19
6:30-9:30 pm Youth Game Night, Parlor

Sun., Feb. 21
9:00 am Chimes, Sanctuary Balcony
9:30 am Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Christians and the World @ Panera's
10:45 am Worship; Jr. Worship
12:15 pm Worship Committee Meeting, Chapel

Mon., Feb. 22
7:00 pm Church Council, Parlor

Tues., Feb. 23
9:30 am Prayer Shawl Ministry, Parlor

Wed., Feb. 24
6-7:00 pm Meager Meal (consisting of 2 kinds of soup, bread and water), Parlor
7:00 pm Overeaters Anonymous, Library
7:30-9:00 pm Choir

Thurs., Feb. 25
8:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous, Wesley Hall

Fri., Feb. 26
9:45 am Al-Anon, Parlor
7:00 pm Youth Confirmation Retreat at Camp Wanake begins

Sat., Feb. 27
10-11:00 am Nursing Home Ministry at Eliza Jennings
9-7:00 pm Confirmation Retreat at Camp Wanake

Sun., Feb. 28 (Second Sunday of Lent)
9:00 am Chimes, Sanctuary balcony
9:30 am Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Christians and the World
10:45 am Worship; Ryan James Boyette Baptism
2:30 pm Confirmation Retreat Returns

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