Friday, August 6, 2010

Check This Out!

Fri., Aug. 6
9:45 am Al-Anon meeting in the Parlor

Sat., Aug. 7
9-3:00 pm Ramp Project: We will meet at 9am at Rockport UMC, and carpool down to Royal Family Mission Baptist Church. This promises to be adventuresome and fun, a rewarding ecumenical project to build a much needed wheelchair ramp on the east side, about 20 minutes away from here. A blessing will be shared with our brothers and sisters in Christ at Royal Family Church.

Sun., Aug. 8
8:30 am Early Morning Service in the Chapel. 1/2 hour contemplative service with communion
9:00 am Adult Bible Study in room 17
10:00 am Worship in the Woods. Outdoor worship in the back of the church in sanctuary overlooking the Rocky River Reservation
11:00 am SPRC meeting in room 17

Mon., Aug. 9
1:30 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry meets in the Parlor
7:00 pm Finance meeting in the Parlor

Wed., Aug 11
6:00 pm Lay Leadership (Nominating) in the Stephen's Ministry Office
6-8:00 pm Wednesday School in the Parlor
7:00 pm Overeaters Anonymous in the Library
7-9:00 pm Ice-Cream Social outside

Thurs., Aug. 12
8:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous meets in Wesley Hall

Fri., Aug. 13
9:45 am Al-Anon meets in the Parlor

Sat., Aug. 14
8:30-3:00 pm Ramp Project
10:00 am Nursing Home Ministry at Eliza Jennings in Cleveland
4:00 pm Passion Play in Cambridge Ohio. Meet at the Parsonage and enjoy dinner. Carpool down after.

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