Friday, July 16, 2010

Check This Out!

Sat., July 17
11-3:00 pm Youth Car Wash and Hot Dog Lunch Sale

Sun., July 18
8:30 am Early Morning Service; 30 minute meditative service with communion served in the Chapel
9:00 am Adult Bible Study in Rm. 17
10:00 am Worship in the Woods with Marty Miller; singer, songwriter, guitarist, who will guide us through ministry through music

Mon., July 19
1:30 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry in the Parlor

Tues., July 20
6:00 pm Committe Chairpersons to meet in the Parlor
7-8:30 pm Outreach mission; sort and pack food for Rocky River Assistance Program at Beach Education Center on Detroit Rd.

Wed., July 21
11:30 am Staff Meeting in the Choir Rm.
12:30 pm Mary Martha Circle in the Parlor
6:30 pm Membership Meeting in the Christian Education Office
7:00 pm Overeaters Anonymous in the Library
7-8:30 pm "The Shack" Trail Group Book Discussion in the Parlor
7-9:00 pm Ice-Cream Social outside Thurs., July 22
8:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous in Wesley Hall

Fri., July 23
9:45 am Al-Anon in the Parlor

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