Friday, June 11, 2010

Look what is happening at Rockport this week!

Fri., June 11
9:45 am Al-Anon meets in the Parlor

Sat., June 12 (Ramp Update: We are still working the revised wheelchair ramp plans, and as such, can’t begin construction until they are complete and the ramp support holes are located and dug. The ramp construction will begin approximately 2 weeks after the plans are complete.
Pray for us, that the design is done professionally and finished quickly, and that we find a contractor to dig these holes as soon as possible. Also, pray for Royal Mission Family Baptist Church, who needs this ramp, that they be patient and receptive and pleased with this design.
Thank you for your patience, and God Bless. Dave Plachta)

10-11:00 am Nursing Home Ministry at Eliza Jennings in Cleveland

Sun., June 13
8:30 am Alternate Worship Service (30 minute contemplative service with communion served weekly) meets in the Chapel
9:00 am Adult Bible Study meets in Rm. 17
10:00 am Worship in the Woods; Brad Scotten, Certified Lay Speaker, to preach

Mon., June 14-June 17 Annual Conference at Lakeside

Mon., June 14
11:00 am - 9:00 p.m. Dining to Donate at Applebee's Westgate

Tues., June 15
9:30 am Prayer Shawl Ministry meets in the Parlor
7-8:30 pm Stephen's Ministry meets in the Parlor
7-8:30 pm Sort and pack food for Rocky River Assistance Program at Beach Education Center on Detroit Rd.

Wed., June 16
12:30 pm Mary Martha Circle meets in the Parlor
7:00 pm Overeaters Anonymous meets in the Parlor

Thurs., June 17
7:00 pm Women's Fellowship takes a "Walk in the Park" Meet at the Emerald Necklace Marina, 1500 Scenic Park Drive (located at the bottom of the hill taking Detroit Ave. bridge entrance to the Rocky River Reservation.)
8:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous meets in Wesley Hall

Fri., June 18
9:45 am Al-Anon meets in the Parlor

8:30 a.m. Alternate Worship Service (AWS); communion
9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study, Rm. 17
10:00 a.m. Worship in the Woods
5:05 p.m. Crushers Baseball Game

Mon., June 21-June 25
5:40-8:10 pm Vacation Bible School

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