Friday, April 16, 2010

Look what is happening at Rockport this week!

Fri., April 16
9:45 am Alanon will meet in the Parlor
6:30 pm Youth Lock-in will begin

Sat., April 17
11:00 am Youth Lock-in will end

Sun., April 18 (Native American Ministries Sunday (Offering))
9:30 am Sunday school for all ages in various rooms, Adult Bible Study in the Parlor, Christians in the World will meet at Panera's
10:45 am Worship; Jr. Worship for 2nd grade-6th grade children
3:00 pm Spring Distirct Conference at Pleasant Hills UMC
7:00 pm Conclusion of the Health & Wellness Series in the Parlor

Mon., April 19
12-3:00 pm Rockport Early Childhood CPR Training in the Parlor
6:00 pm Stewardship Meeting in the Chapel
7:00 pm Finance Meeting in the Parlor

Tues., April 20
9:30 am Prayer Shawl Ministry in the Parlor
6:15 pm Fire Alarm Check with Russell Cabling
7:00 pm Sort and pack food for Rocky River Assistance Program at Beach Education Center
7-8:30 pm Stephen's Ministry meeting in the Parlor

Wed., April 21
11:30 am Staff meeting in the Chapel
12:30 pm Mary Martha Circle in the Parlor
6:30 pm Membership Meeting in the Parlor
7:00 pm Overeaters Anonymous, Chapel
7-8:00 pm New Testament Trail Group will meet at the Blagg's
7:30-9:00 pm Choir practice in the Choir Rm.

Thurs., April 22
8:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous in Wesley Hall

Fri., April 23
9:45 am Al-Anon in the Parlor
6:30 pm Tool-Time for Ramp Building in Wesley Hall

Sat., April 24
10-11:00 am Nursing Home Ministry at Eliza Jennings in Cleveland
1-4:30 pm Youth do Vacation Bible School decorations in Wesley Hall
9-3:00 pm EOC Lay Speaker's Event...ACTS 2010 at Westbrook UMC in Canton

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