Friday, March 12, 2010

Look what is happening at Rockport this week!

Fri., March 12
9:45 am Alanon, Parlor

Sat., March 13
10-11:00 am Nursing Home Ministry at Eliza Jennings

Sun., March 14
9:00 am Chimes, Sanctuary balcony
9:30 am Sunday School in various rooms, Adult Bible Study in the Parlor, Christians and the World in the Chapel
10:45 am Worship
4:00 pm Youth Group put together Easter baskets for Laura's Home
4-5:30 pm Confirmand Trail Group at the Plachta's house
7:00 pm Health and Wellness Series, Parlor

Mon., March 15
11-9:00 pm Dining to donate fundraiser at Applebee's Westgate
6:30 pm Compass Group at North Olmsted UMC

Tues., March 16
9:30 am Prayer Shawl Ministry, Parlor
6:30-8:30 pm Stephen's Ministry, Parlor
7:00 pm Sort and pack food for Rocky River Assistance at Beach School on Detroit

Wed., March 17
12:30 pm Mary Martha Circle, Parlor
6-7:00 pm Meager Meal, Parlor
6:30 pm Membership Ministry, Stephen's Ministry Office
7:00 pm Overeaters Anonymous, Library
7-8:00 pm New Testament Trail Group, Parlor
7:30-9:00 Choir

Thurs., March 18
6-8:00 pm Girl Scouts, Chapel
7:00 pm Women's Fellowship Game Night, Parlor
8:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous, Wesley Hall

Fri., March 19
9:45 am Alanon, Parlor
6:30-9:30 pm Youth Game Night, Parlor

Sat., March 20
4-8:00 pm Community Spaghetti Dinner, Wesley Hall

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