Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Tues., Nov. 24
9:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Parlor
7:00 United Methodist Women, Parlor
7:30-9:00 Choir, Choir Rm.

Wed., Nov. 25
10-11:00 Join the Journey Lectionary Bible Study, Parlor
10:30-12:30 Bible Fun, Stephen's Ministry Office
7:00 Overeaters Anonymous, Parlor

Thurs., Nov. 26 Happy Thanksgiving! Office Closed
8:30 Alcoholics Anonymous

Fri., Nov. 27 Office Closed
9:45 Al-Anon, Parlor

Sat., Nov. 28
10-11:00 Nursing Home Ministry at Eliza Jennings
2:00 Hanging of the Greens, Sanctuary

Sun., Nov. 29 1st Sunday in Advent
9:30 Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Christians and the World @ Panera's, College Sunday School Class, Library
10:45 Worship
12:45 1st movie in Advent with light lunch, Parlor

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