Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Tues., Nov. 24
9:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Parlor
7:00 United Methodist Women, Parlor
7:30-9:00 Choir, Choir Rm.

Wed., Nov. 25
10-11:00 Join the Journey Lectionary Bible Study, Parlor
10:30-12:30 Bible Fun, Stephen's Ministry Office
7:00 Overeaters Anonymous, Parlor

Thurs., Nov. 26 Happy Thanksgiving! Office Closed
8:30 Alcoholics Anonymous

Fri., Nov. 27 Office Closed
9:45 Al-Anon, Parlor

Sat., Nov. 28
10-11:00 Nursing Home Ministry at Eliza Jennings
2:00 Hanging of the Greens, Sanctuary

Sun., Nov. 29 1st Sunday in Advent
9:30 Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Christians and the World @ Panera's, College Sunday School Class, Library
10:45 Worship
12:45 1st movie in Advent with light lunch, Parlor

Monday, November 16, 2009

Look at This!

Monday, Nov. 16
6:30 pm Compass Group @Lake Shore UMC
6:30 pm Membership Ministry, Parlor

Tuesday, Nov. 17
9:30 am Prayer Shawl Ministry
7-8:30 pm Stephen's Ministry, Parlor
7:00 pm New Stephen Ministry Training at WUMC
7:00 pm Sort and pack food at Beach Education Center for Rocky River Assistance program (Outreach event)

Wednesday, Nov. 18
10-11:00 am Join the Journey Lectionary Bible Study, Parlor
12:30 pm Mary Martha Circle, Parlor
7:00 pm Overeaters Anonymous, Chapel
7:30-9:00 pm Choir, Choir Rm.

Thursday, Nov. 19
6:30 pm Men's Group with guest speaker Robert Willstalking on military history of the Civil War, Parlor
7:00 pm Women's Fellowship Christmas Craft, Choir Rm.
8:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous, Wesley Hall

Friday, Nov. 20
9:45 pm Al-Anon, Parlor
10-3:00 pm Sort and pack food at (LCAC)Lakewood Charitable Assistance Program (Outreach Event)

Saturday, Nov. 21
8:30-11:30 am Deliver food to families in Lakewood for LCAC (Outreach Event)

Sunday, Nov. 22 Celebration Sunday
9:00 am Chimes
9:30 am Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Christians and the World, On the Porch New Member meeting
10:45 am Worship, Commitment Sunday, Bible Sunday
12:15 pm Free Celebration Spaghetti Dinner, Wesley Hall
7-8:00 pm Adult Book Study and dinner, Parlor

Monday, November 9, 2009

Happenings this Week!

Monday, Nov. 9
7:00 pm Finance Meeting, Parlor

Tuesday, Nov. 10
9:30 am Prayer Shawl Ministry, Parlor
7:00 pm New Stephen Ministry Training at Westlake UMC

Wednesday, Nov. 11 Veterans Day
10-11:00 am Join the Journey Lectionary Bible Study, Parlor
6:15 pm Rockport Early Childhood Center Exercise Group, Wesley Hall
7:00 pm Overeaters Anonymous, Chapel
7:30 pm Choir, Choir Rm.

Friday, Nov. 13
9:45 am Al-Anon, Parlor
3:00 pm Rm. 2 childcare tea party, Parlor
6:15 pm Rockport Early Childhood Center Exercise Group, Wesley Hall

Saturday, Nov. 14
10-11:00 am Nursing Home Ministry at Eliza Jennings

Sunday, Nov. 15
9:00 am Chimes, Sanctuary
9:30 am Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Christians and the World @ Panera's, On the Porch New Member meeting, SPRC meet with District Superintendant
10:45 am Worship; Jr. Worship; Rev. Don Shank preach
12:30 pm All Church Charge Conference
7-8:00 pm Adult Book Study, Parlor

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happenings this Week!

Monday, November 2
6:30-9:00 pm Community Challenge
7:00 pm Trustees

Tuesday, November 3 (Don't forget to VOTE!)
6-8:00 pm Voting in Wesley Hall
9:30 am Prayer Shawl Ministry
12-3:00 pm RECC Child Abuse Training
7:00 pm New Stephen Ministry Training at Westlake UMC

Wednesday, November 4
10-11:00 am Join the Journey Lectionary Bible Study
12-3:00 pm RECC Child Abuse Training
7:00 pm Overeaters Anonymous
7:00 pm Girl Scouts Meeting, Wesley Hall
7:30 pm Choir

Thursday, November 5
12-3:00 pm RECC Child Abuse Training
7:00 pm Childcare Board Meeting, Parlor
8:30 Alcoholics Anonymous, Wesley Hall

Friday, November 6
9:45 am Al-Anon, Parlor

Sunday, November 8
9:00 am Chimes
9:30 am Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Christians and the World, "On the Porch" new member meeting
10:45 am Worshipp; Rev. Bill McFadden preaching
7:00 pm Adult Book Study, Parlor