Monday, October 12, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch has sprouted, get your pumkins today!

Monday, October 12 (Columbus Day)
1:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Parlor
7:00 pm Finance Meeting, Parlor
7:00 pm Rockport Early Childhood Center (RECC) Special Meeting, Chapel

Tuesday, October 13
12-3:00 pm RECC CPR Training, Parlor
6-8:30 pm Girl Scout Volunteer Training, Parlor
7:00 pm New Stephen Minister Training at Westlake UMC
7:00 pm Stewardship Meeting, Chapel

Wednesday, October 14
10-11:00 am Lectionary Bible Study
12-3:00 pm RECC CPR Training
7:00 pm Overeaters Anonymous (OA)

Thursday, October 15
7:00 pm Women's Fellowship, Parlor
8:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Friday, October 16
9:45 am Al-Anon, Parlor

Saturday, October 17
4:00 pm Get to know Pastor Gordon and Kathryn potluck at Craig & Stella Thomas'

Sunday, October 18 (Laity Sunday)
9:00-10:00 am Chimes
9:30-10:30 am Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Christians and the World @ Panera's
10:45-12:00 noon Worship; Junior Worship
12:15 pm Christian Education meeting, Rm. 15

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